Hope so! Here's how we find out.

Trying to get "some"-thing up on the web while our web-site is in it's final throes of development. So we've punted in the meantime. Words and pix will come here temporarily as a means of saying what's happening here on the Western Frontier of Red Bank, NJ. Jay and Bob don't come to visit here, and the "hip"-ness is all of our own creation. Join us and offer your take on the built environment. We'll update from time-to-time, and try to keep you engaged.


hyo cynth said...

Congratulations! Happy to see SOME news!

Cindy (sis)

JES said...

The... er... the "built environment"?

Are you asking us to comment on the Oak Hill portfolio photo? Or is this more a case of, y'know, The Generic Built Environment? Built Environments as such?

Lookin' good!

SOME Architects, PC said...

Well not specifically, but that would be okay. No the hope is just to start a dialogue about the good, the bad, the ugly in the environment around us. I suggested "built environment" but can easily imagine a discussion of Andy Goldsworthy, too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Goldsworthy. Contribute away, if so inclined. I'll be posting fairly irregularly, until I get the hang of how/what I want to dialogue about.

JES said...

I was just about to update my own blogroll to include SOME Buzz but I thought I should stop by to confirm it's more or less active. Probably should wait, it sounds like.

The heck of it is, until you're posting more regularly, you'll probably have a hard time figuring out what you want to dialogue about. Heh.

From the Wikipedia article you linked, I see that Goldsworthy "is generally considered the founder of modern rock balancing." Which did make me wonder if the title might be in dispute.

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