
On the Boards: 8 Monmouth Street

Posted by SOME Architects, PC

Feeling like a good nosh on a sub? Feeling a little Shaggy? It may not be Mondrian’s “Broadway Boogie-Woogie”, but maybe it’s just a little Monmouth Street Mambo…

When an early 20th Century Classic 3-story building needed to have its monotonous 1960’s storefronts rejuvenated we took a “proportionate approach.” Two narrow storefronts became a theme and variation on the rectilinear frame and panel constraints of the existing façade. Update the finishes to automotive grade “clear-coat” and you’ve got enough charm and punch to get attention in a location that was drab and dull.

Adding an additional level of charm at Red Bank Sub Shop is the urban-oasis dining patio. A peek out the back door and you’ll find yourself outdoors and off the street at your own table for two. Blue sky above, a great simple meal at your table – aaah, that’s a downtown lunch!

Simple graphics. Punchy color scheme. A nice little open roofed dining room. Just enough.

Featured on Red Bank Green: "WAIT: THERE'S A PATIO IN THERE" posted on 07.28.11

Red Bank Sub Shop & Red Bank House of Fades – coming to 8 Monmouth St.


Lincroft Presbyterian Church

Posted by SOME Architects, PC

Renovation Lincroft, New Jersey

The project began as a feasibility study. The task was to create a more inviting entrance to the building sanctuary, which was actually originally designed as a fellowship hall. Upon examination of three alternative schemes the congregation selected a formal axial solution.

The selected scheme creates its axial formality by linking existing nodal points along the path from the parking lot to the altar. New gateways and nodal points were designed along the path in order to add human scale to the procession and to prepare the visitor for the appropriate religious experience.

The existing exposed concrete block structure was left in place while floors and ceilings were re-designed to add warmth and texture to the enlarged narthex and entry court. Lighting, material selections, and landscaping all work to reinforce the design and programmatic goals of the design.

Featured in the Asbury Park Press below: